• Post category:Lifestyle

As we’re well in to the new year and I’m sure life is going to get super busy and hectic in the blink of an eye, I wanted to share some tips and ways to stay happy and positive in 2021. Happiness isn’t just about achieving your goals and having good things come in your direction, it is about changing your perspective on situations and seeking it. I noticed in the past year that happiness really is something that you need to find in your life. It is not something that is handed to you but rather is found within you.

I thought I would share my little tips on staying ✨happy & positive✨this year!

☀️ write three things you are grateful for every day – I like to keep a gratitude journal
☀️ create a positive environment – circle yourself with people who lift you up
☀️ exercise more – go on walks to get some fresh air or throw in a sweaty workout to relieve some stress
☀️ treat yourself – be gentle to yourself
☀️ help others – dedicating a little time or money in helping others can really help uplift our mood
☀️ write it out – if you’re feeling sad/angry/frustrated express your feelings by writing it out

these are some of my tips.

love you guys and hope everyone is staying healthy and happy!