• Post category:Lifestyle

Through life and how we’ve grown up it has become part of human nature to think about oneself and to focus all of our attention on what is going on around us. But truly, only by challenging our current perspective do we gain greater insight into our lives and can get closer to reaching genuine happiness.

It’s important to learn that changing perspective is not merely about looking at a situation from another point of view but its about learning to be empathic, rational and compassionate. It’s about learning that nothing in life is “right” or “wrong” or about “success” or “failure” but instead about the opportunity and the journey that you went through. Changing our perspective is an exercise that you need to practice and learn; similar to working out, it takes time, effort and patience.

Over the weekend I went hiking and after looking down above all the people, the traffic and the chaos that we get so caught up with every day was when I realized how insignificant some problems in my life are. It helped me see the bigger picture and put things literally into perspective. I felt such genuine happiness in that moment, and felt so close to myself and my purpose.

If you ever need some inspiration or need some time to clear your mind I highly recommend going on a hike. Maybe it’s the sense of accomplishment after struggling hours climbing up a mountain, or the breathtaking view that you see at the top, regardless, it will make you feel so good!